What is it?
Python is a popular high-level programming language. It is a general-purpose language used by scientists, developers, and many others who want to work more quickly and integrate systems more effectively.
Google Summer of Code
Google Summer of Code (GSoC) is a global program that offers new contributors over 18 an opportunity to be paid for contributing to an open source project over a three month period.
The Python Software Foundation (PSF) is an organization devoted to advancing open source technology related to the Python programming language. Since 2005, the Python Software Foundation has participated in Google Summer of Code, serving as an "umbrella organization" to a variety of Python-related projects, as well as sponsoring projects related to the development of the Python language. Python provides mentors, Google provides the program (and the money!), and GSoC contributors write code!
Python has been accepted to GSoC 2025!
Contributors: Please start with the Python GSoC getting started guide. The Ideas page has a list of active organizations taking part in this year's Summer of Code; you should read their materials and if they're of interest, contact them on their forums or chat about applying! Applications will open in late March, so now's a good time to get familiar with the projects and their needs.
Mentors and sub-orgs who have been accepted, we'll be in touch; if you help run an organization that would like to be involved even now, please contact the org admins if you want to be part of GSoC 2025.